...years that is.
David and I celebrated our 2nd anniversary on August 9 (yes, more than a week ago... so, I'm behind on the blog...) and I can hardly believe it has been that long! These two years have been the best of my life- no exaggeration. The best part about being married to David is that we are on the same team (Team G!)- no matter what the circumstances. I'm so blessed to have a husband who is truly my best friend.
Looking back (through my blog) I realized I never really did a full recap of our wedding weekend. Probably because, though wonderful, it was exhausting and I've needed some time to recover. That, and I was so disappointed with our pictures that I didn't want to show them to anyone. (A bit of advice: Use a seasoned professional for your wedding pictures. You only get one chance to get it right. You get what you pay for and the pictures are the only tangible piece of the wedding you will keep forever! I learned this lesson the hard way...)
Now I think it's time to recap the whole weekend of events!
Thursday: Honeymoon Shower
Since we knew that nearly everyone coming to the wedding would be traveling in from out-of-town, one of our main objectives for the weekend was to include as many people as possible in lots of activities. That began Thursday evening with my Honeymoon Shower and David's dinner & a ballgame outing. Ashley and Greg bought our honeymoon as their wedding gift to us (most generous gift EVER), but their one stipulation was that it be a surprise to me. So, Ashley (with the help of Courtney and Casey) threw my shower to reveal the location of our trip. Thus, it was a Mexican themed party!
Casey, Ashley and Courtney- the best hostesses!
This is how they revealed the location of our honeymoon to me!
(and yes, this was 2 days before our wedding)
The only pictures I have from this party are ones I stole from facebook. It makes me so sad that I don't have pictures of everyone that was there because so many sweet people helped us celebrate.
Friday: Play day at CVP
This was one of the best parts of the entire weekend. Jerry let us use the waterfront at camp for several hours Friday morning so we could just play and hang out with our family and friends that were in town. Lots of people made it in time to play and we had SO much fun.
Dad blobbing Greg!
Friday: Rehearsal Dinner at Coolidge Park
Once again, we decided that we wanted to include as many people as possible in the rehearsal dinner, so we had Sticky Fingers BBQ at the Walker Pavilion at Coolidge Park! The Lord blessed us with the
most beautiful evening ever (especially for August in the South!) and everyone was really able to enjoy the night.
Oh, and our photographer decided not to come to the rehearsal dinner (and didn't bother telling me), but fortunately Becca had her camera with her and was gracious enough to take pictures! All the ones we have from that night are from Becca, hence the impeccable quality.

My Aunt Doris and Uncle Denny brought us leis straight from Hawaii!
Kate wasn't even here yet! I can hardly remember life pre-Kate!
Sweet, sweet friends.
Kara Rhodenbaugh (Andy's sister and like a little sister to David) and Mindy Barber (mother of the ring bearers but more importantly, my dear friend)
love them!
Stole this one off facebook, but I love it!
Up next: Wedding day!