Monday, August 23, 2010

quarter of a century

Today is David's 25th birthday!! Happy Birthday, babe! In honor of you and your special day, here are 25 random things that I LOVE and celebrate about you:
  1. You call your Grandma every Wednesday just to chat, and in the fall you talk to her about college football.
  2. When I'm traveling, you track my flight online so you know exactly where I am at all times.
  3. You give people the benefit of the doubt.
  4. You suggest that we have a celebratory dinner for Keith's new job. And you cook. And you send me emails saying, "I like making dinner and letting you play with Kate and Becca. It is my way of serving you!"
  5. You are a peacemaker.
  6. Every single night you pray for us and kiss me goodnight.
  7. You kiss me goodmorning, even when I'm still asleep.
  8. You are professional.
  9. As much as you pick on her, you think to call your mom to see how her first day of work went.
    Oh, how I hope we have sons who do the same!
  10. You drive and let me sleep.
  11. Since we got married, you tell your family "I love you" when you get off the phone.
  12. You say "you're my girl" and you call me Emmy Lou.
  13. You remind me that I'm your best friend nearly every single day.
  14. The first thing you do when you get home from work (after hugging me) is pick up our dog and cuddle with him.
  15. Even when I don't think you've listened to me, you surprise me by praying for specific things I've mentioned throughout the day.
  16. You are so sensitive to pregnant people. For example, you always let Becca choose what/where we eat and you suggest that we stop and pick up her favorite ice cream on our way to their house.
  17. You let Brianna paint your fingernails and put make up on you- and you do it for her too.
  18. You have never left the toilet seat up, and you keep all of your stuff so organized in our room.
  19. You drive the boat (safely and responsibly) for hours on end, and never complain about not getting your turn to do fun things.
  20. I've said it before, but it is worth repeating- you never complain.
  21. People always think you are at least 30. I know this is partly because of your grey hair, which you have no control over, but it's also partly because of your wise-beyond-your-years maturity.
  22. You regard MS simultaneously like a little sister and a close friend. You love HayHay like a baby sister that you want to protect and take care of.
  23. You think to let John drive when it is just the two of you because you know he is nervous practicing with his parents.
  24. You secretly like to watch the Bachelor/Bachelorette (I know because you get mad if I delete it before you've seen it).
  25. You appreciate when I cook- even if the meal is crappy- because you know how much I dread it.
I am so thankful you were born 25 years ago, babe. You are my favorite person! Love you so big.


Claire said...

That is soo sweet!!

Becca Rocha said...

this is adorable. my mom just said "I read that this morning, and now I love David". Haha. He really is such a wonderful and thoughtful guy. You are a blessed woman!!