Wednesday, August 11, 2010

so much to say

The longer I wait to blog, the more content I have to actually blog about. I've been debating whether to put it all in one big, overwhelming post or to break it up over lots of small ones. I'm still collecting pictures from the weekend, so you'll have to wait for those.

In the past week we've had a lot going on:
David graduated with his MBA.
We celebrated at the lake with all of our families and lots of friends.
We celebrated our 2 year anniversary.
David joined a soccer team with some VW guys.
I joined the Junior League.

To begin the long weekend post, I'll share this. Everyone was so generous and David got tons of gifts (cash, gift cards, luggage), but he got one thing that pretty much made his entire weekend:

Yep, that's a mini Ohio State helmet signed with a personal message from Jim Tressel (Ohio State's coach). Andy outdid himself with this special gift! David was absolutely elated.

Stay tuned for much, much more about our weekend o' fun!

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