Friday, August 27, 2010

battle scars

Last Saturday we were out at the lake with the Bryants like any other summer weekend. All of a sudden, Harley and Rascal (one of their miniature dachshunds) starting fighting. Now, let me just say, these are dogs who have never liked each other. Harley loves Bear and Rascal, but they despise him. Fortunately, they have all learned to tolerate one another which is nice for us since we're around kind of a lot.

I have no idea what made them snap this time (or who was really responsible), but they were really going at it. Kevin was finally able to break them free, and Harley took off to the car right away. He is really fine, but Rascal did get him pretty well. He had a big cut under his eye, and it swelled up pretty badly the next day.

So, I took him home (instead of spending the night like we had planned...) and he did a bunch of this:

Now, a few days later, it has started to scab over and it just looks nasty... and like a black eye. 

Poor puppy! Although he hasn't been in any pain at all, it still makes me so sad that he was hurt! I don't know how people with real children handle their ailments...


Rebecca Cash said...

aww poor baby! :-( glad he has two loving parents to spoil him!

Blair McLeod said...

i'm at your house right now!!! :) you are down stairs sleeping.

love you!!