Monday, August 2, 2010

Cotton Ball

Saturday night was Cotton Ball!
Mary Shelton was presented last year, and this year she was one of four girls chosen to be on the court. She was the most gorgeous girl in the room, and we were SO proud of her! Obviously, I cried. If we have kids who are half as attractive or talented at the Bryants, I am going to need serious sedation to make it through special events.

And now... tons of pictures:

Can you tell which two have lived at the lake for the summer?
+ Chuck
(and his wonky bow tie)
cutest picture ever!
Their bow ties and Kevin's cummerbund have cotton on them!
We had a BALL (literally) dancing the night away. The next day we were all sore from the festivities, probably because of the constant squats we were doing in order to dance with Margaret Anne.

Thank you, Bryants+Hudsons for such a fun night. We love you guys, but you already knew that :).


Suzie said...

GORGEOUS dress, Emily!!! I love it! Looks like a fun time!

Emily Geyer said...

thank you, Suzie!! Guess what? I found it on the clearance rack at Belk (on Friday!) for $15! Best steal I've found lately :)

Unknown said...

Hi Emily
I'm Mike Winship Wedding Planner in Charleston SC,Could you please let us know where the guys got the cotton ball Bowties.I would so appreciate it and love to purchase some,Please send me an email to
Happy Beginnings,Mike