Tuesday, February 2, 2010

the big apple

I'm back from our fun-filled weekend in New York City. I seriously had a blast with my brother and sister, and I am so happy that we had this experience together!

There were lots of trip highlights (and tons of pictures taken), but here's a small sampling:

Leigh Stuckey! This was such a last-minute, awesome part of the trip. Leigh is working on her second Masters degree (yeah, second) at Princeton (yeah, Princeton), so she came on over to NYC for the afternoon to hang out. I was SO thrilled to get to see her and catch up a bit! Stuck, I don't know how long it had been... probably since Blair's wedding?? Regardless, it was fabulous. I've mentioned here and here about my fabulous CVP besties (yep, just said "besties"... weird...), and it made my day to see another one of them! But seriously guys, I'm planning a reunion. This summer. Chattanooga. Email me your preferred dates (emilylgeyer@gmail.com).
Sunday really was an incredible day. After visiting Marymount Manhattan and hanging out with Leigh, we journeyed over to Brooklyn for some family time. My cousins Charles (the oldest of the 14 grandkids, Greg is the youngest) & Pam and their kids Louise (another namesake) and Nathan are just the best. period. I LOVED getting to see where they live and catching up with them about all kinds of life events. Those kids are the smartest (ie- Louise has read the Harry Potter series 11 times. 11. Also, she's taking Mandarin lessons because she wants to learn the language!), most creative kids (who take after their parents) probably ever, and being with them just made my heart happy.

Charles- this needs to be your new facebook picture! We showed them all about shaky face pictures :)
I have the best family.

Though my time in NYC was awesome, after a full day of traveling yesterday I was ready to be home! When this weary traveler arrived back in Chattanooga, I was greeted with the most wonderful tokens of love: my pjs and slippers ready for wear, pictures made with love by Amy Grace and some lovely roses...  because I was missed.


Rebecca Cash said...

Aw Em. It looks like you had a blast! I wanna see New York so bad. I think Matt and I are planning to take a trip up there this summer to visit one of my best friends. And your welcome home was super cute too! Beautiful roses :-)

anna c. said...

David is awesome.