Friday, February 19, 2010

Saint Valentine

I've never been one to get really into Valentine's Day. It's not because I am a debbie downer, it just has never been a big deal to me. Maybe it's because I didn't date anyone until David, and then we spent every Valentine's Day (until last year) multiple states apart.

We didn't do anything particularly exciting this year (we did see this cute movie and David made an amazing meal like this one), but I did want to celebrate the fun-loving holiday with some goodie packages for some of our far-away loved ones.


Candy cane hearts
...that ended up broken in thousands of pieces upon arrival...
Rice crispy treats
We used white chocolate (with a dab of red food coloring to make it pink) for the frosting. Oh my, these were good!

Red velvet heart snacks

However, I was waiting on my flat rate boxes to arrive, so these didn't quite make it in time for Vday... And, I realized the boxes weren't going to be an efficient way to ship this, so they got mailed in regular envelopes (hence the candy cane breakage). Oh well! What's wrong with elongating the most lovely holiday we have?!

1 comment:

denise said...

Whoa! You made the garland?! I thought they were store-bought! Too cute. And BTW, a few of the candy cane hearts *did* survive. :) Thank you for everything!