Monday, July 5, 2010

Sunday & Monday

After a brief departure from our vacation recap, I'm finishing up with our last two days (a week ago today!).

Sunday started off with a bang. We planned to visit Ocean City, Maryland while we were in the area, but we weren't sure exactly what we were going to do. We left the hotel donned in our bathing suits, GPS and a book of area attractions.
We ended up on a runway at the Ocean City Municipal Airport.

Yep! We rode this biplane all over Ocean City and Assateague State Park.

this picture makes me laugh out loud

It was INCREDIBLE. We were grinning from ear to ear and giggling (ok, maybe that was just me) the entire time! Since we loved the bridge in honor of my sister, this adventure was definitely in honor of my sister-in-law. She would have died. We thought about you the whole time, Beth :). I asked if he could fly inverted, but he said the plane was capable, but his insurance wouldn't allow him to. Bummer.

We left the airport and decided we had to see the famous Ocean City  beach and boardwalk. We walked all around, ate lunch on the boardwalk and splashed our feet in the ocean. The whole experience was neat to see, but we were less-than-impressed with the area. It was very Panama-City-during-spring-break-but-with-families-not-trashy-teenagers crowded.

After showers and a quick nap, we were back on the road in the beloved Versa, headed to Madison, Maryland for David and Deb's wedding (the purpose for this entire trip!). Well, the story gets interesting here... ALL along, I had in my mind that the wedding was at 5pm. Fortunately, my planner of a husband decided we should leave suuuper early to ensure that we would not be late. So, we arrive in Madison right at 4pm, found the church immediately and parked in a parking lot to pass the time until 5. For some unknown reason, I decided to double-check the time of the wedding on the invitation, and we freaked out when it said 4pm. I could. not. believe it.

We parked in someone's front yard and RAN into the church. Fortunately, we got there in time to hear the important parts (the entire sermony part onward). Man, oh man. Talk about a few stressful moments. I immediately owned up to my mistake, but I had one frustrated husband on my hands! Whew!

Well, the wedding was beautiful (what we saw of it...) and we loaded back up to drive to the reception at the
Hyatt Regency Chesapeake Bay. Holy cow. This place was insanely beautiful The reception was held outdoors at a pavillion, and it just added to our list of occasions during the weekend where we sweated off gallons.



1 comment:

Beth said...

You couldn't pay me to get up in that plane. You guys are nuts!