Thursday, July 29, 2010

more flags, more fun!

A few weeks ago, David and I took part 3 (part 1, part 2) of our mini-vacation summer and made a long weekend for ourselves. First on our agenda: Six Flags! Patrick and Hayden went with us, and we had so much fun! David had never been, though he frequently reminded us that he is an amusement park pro- he did grow up going to Cedar Point and Kings Island regularly.

We arrived before the park opened, got in line the giant mass of people and sprinted to our first destination as soon as they opened the gates. We accomplished our goal: ride every ride (minus the Georgia Cyclone, well, because it is just miserable). We even got to ride Superman - the BEST ride - twice by a fluke (my seatbelt was stuck and they didn't come help me get off fast enough, so I volunteered to ride again. Hayden & David were waiting nearby, and they snagged a few empty seats too!). It was a perfect day to be at Six Flags because the forecast predicted rain, which scared off other people, but then it didn't rain. It was, of course, scortching hot, but we expected that. We did everything we wanted to do, so we headed home late that afternoon! After a bout with Friday afternoon Atlanta traffic and a stop out the outlet mall (David was napping- we had to take advantage of that!), we arrived home tired and a bit sore.

Talking Carl- Amber's iPad app suggestion that has kept us entertained for hours!

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