Tuesday, March 16, 2010


In honor of my good friend Kristen and her Chattanooga visit last weekend, I have decided to take a stroll down our friendship memory lane, highlighting spring breaks along the way.
our first picture together...
Oh, college. This is such a typical picture. (back when the Currie was home to boys!)

Spring Break 2005:
Camping and backpacking in North Carolina

Notice the bandage on my hand... it's a good story, actually. On the last night of our backpacking adventure, I sliced my finger while opening a can. It was a really deep cut, but not worth bailing on our night under the stars. Fortunately for me, we had prepared for injuries and packed a first aid kit. Unfortunately for me, someone had blisters along the way and used all of the gauze. So, we improvised and tied a true bandana tourniquet around my throbbing finger and I braved the pain through the night (ok, I'm being dramatic, but it seriously hurt). The next day we stopped in at Abby's dad's office in Knoxville (he is a neurologist... and I was there for a tetanus shot...) and he hooked me up. Back to the unfortunate part: I hadn't showered in multiple days and he (remember: he was my good friend's dad) had to give me the shot in my rear. Good times. Oh, and I still have a numb third of my ring finger on my right hand.

Spring Break 2006:
Cruise through the Caribbean

Still to this day one of my favorite vacations of all time... I read 6 awesome books and did some serious napping.
Spring Break 2007:
Key West, Florida
33 friends.
One seriously long caravan from Birmingham, AL to Key West, FL.
A spring break to remember!

Spring Break 2010:
(hey, it's Samford's spring break this week... at least we can pretend like we're still getting one!)

So, I love this kid. Looking back through all of the pictures just reminds me how much! Kris is back from a 2-year term with the Peace Corps in Ethiopia, and she is seriously the coolest person I know. While she was gone she learned Amharic, created programs to help victims of the HIV/AIDs epidemic, taught English, bathed out of a bucket, built a mill to give orphans work, ate injera, celebrated new holidays, seriously fell in love with some new friends and learned a ton about herself and God's heart for this country (and so, so much more!). We could probably not be at more different points in our lives, but it is amazing to see friendship endure over many years and many, many miles. You are awesome, Kris!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Em! I just saw this! Gosh, you're great and i just love you! some of those pictures... oh wow.

so excited about coming back to chatt-town in one short month! I did some Kara recruiting and I think she might be in! Yay for sleep-overs! I'll call you soon! Much love for you!