Friday, March 12, 2010


Remember when you had to take your film to be developed, then wait days or weeks until you could see the images you took? We were good friends with the photo lab ladies at Winn Dixie. It's amazing how much technology has changed just in the past 10 years!

Well, I recently ran across this website that I had scanned pictures into from my pre-digital age. They really aren't that old (beginning with 2003), but they are fun to look back on! I can never remember what the website is (Webshots), so now I can save it here:

Also, last time we were at my parents house, I went through several boxes of old pictures, and I found some real gems! I love old pictures, and these just made me happy:

...probably my favorite... hahaha!

Ashley and I are seriously a mess (A MESS, right Shelby?!). What the??

Love these two. Best Bourkelings!

And, my I have large ears. 

1 comment:

David Geyer said...

It looks like you are "Snaggle Tooth" in that last picture...