Wednesday, March 10, 2010

let there be light




One of the very first things my dad said when he saw our new house was "Whoa. There isn't a light above the kitchen sink!" Frankly, we were a little upset that of all things, that was his first impression (don't get me wrong, he loved the rest of the house... it just disturbed him that there was no light).  We didn't see what the big deal was.

Fast-forward about 20 months... it drove me CRAZY! Seriously, it is so hard to wash dishes at night without a light right there. You wouldn't notice it unless it was missing, but obviously... ours was.

David rectified the situation this weekend by installing a handy-dandy pendant light. Now we can see!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

please come to my house and install one.

on second thought, my 96 year old house may blow your hand off if you try and mess with maybe i should just continue to wash dishes in the dark. sigh.