Friday, January 7, 2011

2010 year in review

As a reminder, our 2010 goals were:

TRAVEL. We have 6 fun trips planned for this year (including our trip to Vegas- that we just got back from- it's not in 2010, but it's close so we're counting it)!!
I would say we accomplished that one!

FURNITURE. Refinish all of the furniture in our guest room (we've already done the nightstand).
  • We did the dresser, but stopped before we did the bed. We didn't just wimp out, it was a strategic change of plans (because of this). We did, however, do a lot of organizing and decluttering. Just in the past few months we have cleaned out and organized every room in our house, including the garage. We've taken TONS of stuff to Goodwill, given LOTS to friends and thrown away an embarrassing amount of crap. Just thinking about doing this makes me so excited :)
E- SLALOM. Learn to slalom ski.
  • I made a valiant effort. I did do a lot of double-skiing, tubing, knee boarding and wake boarding though.
D- GRADUATE. August 8, 2010 at 2pm.
  • Done! (and I just realized that I never blogged about that! eek!)
GET FIT. Join UTC's new Aquatic and Recreation Center. It's cheap for me and free for David.
  • Well, David joined the ARC, but I didn't... I did, however, participate in a triathlon. That should count as "getting fit" wouldn't you say??
READ. D= 4 entire books (no pictures!), E= more than 2009 (!)
GUESTS. Have 20 overnight house guests (D's idea. He loves guests as much as me.)
  • I counted them up (in our guest book), and we actually had 40 different people spend the night at our house in 56 different occasions. Pass!
Overall, our goal for 2010 was to "do fun things", and we certainly feel like we accomplished this (other than traveling, we had lots of fun on our staycations, Cotton Ball and lots of exciting guests). We've been reminiscing a lot over the past year, and the most noteworthy point that keeps coming up is our friendships. We moved to Chattanooga from two different states (well, 4 different states kind of), two different colleges and two different jobs, but we felt like we already had a pretty healthy circle of friends from our CVP ties. It was certainly nice to know people when we got here, but over the past year we really feel like we've widened our circle of friends a LOT. In fact, the friends we hang out the most with are all people we did not know when we moved here 2 1/2 years ago. It's pretty cool to see the Lord work through friendships. I remember when we first realized that making new friends would be hard work (June 2008), and it's a real blessing to think of all the people the Lord has brought into our lives through neighbors, church, work, JL and other friends.
And now, the hard part... 2011 goals...coming (with MUCH thoughtfulness) in another blog post!

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