Wednesday, January 19, 2011

give for Matt.

Remember how I like to give blood?
Well, now it is even closer to my heart.

Warning: this is a soap box.

Since Matt was diagnosed with Leukemia last week, I have thought even more about the need for blood donation. So many people are offering to help the Cash family, but so far they don't need much. They have tons of food and snacks, a constant stream of visitors and choruses of prayers of the saints (which are most important). But here's a thought... we can give something precious to someone who only needs one thing: blood. life. Matt has already received one whole blood transfusion (with the possibility of more whole blood and/or platelets in his future), so let's pay it forward and give the gift of life to someone else.

Yesterday was the start of my "give blood for Matt" campaign. Forrest, David, Kristin and I were all at Blood Assurance, and we got the best surprise! One of Leaba's (Matt's mom) co-workers was there giving platelets in Matt's honor too! I teared up talking to him. He got an email from work explaining Matt's situation, and he immediately thought that giving platelets in his honor would be a nice thing to do. Amen, brother! We need more Fred Thompsons in this world.

giving platelets

a little scared at first, but so worth it in the end!

David and Forrest giving (for the first time since 1994!) - from my vantage point

I know more people are already planning on giving this week (Jason Lawhorn and my sister), and many more have said they will think about it. Think about this: if it was your son/daughter/brother/sister/boyfriend/niece/friend/co-worker who NEEDED blood to survive, would you face your fear of needles? your queasiness about blood? your past negative experiences? Heck yes you would. And also, what if you were the one with leukemia (or any type of cancer or ailment). Maybe you (or I) will be one day. You'll be thankful then that other people were selfless enough to give of their time and their blood to save your life.

So, GO! Give blood! Even better, give platelets! SAVE lives!

Did you know? The Chattanooga Blood Assurance (on E. 3rd Street) is the SOLE provider of blood and blood components for 17 surrounding counties?
Did you know? Because of the snow last week, BA was in such a shortage, they had to buy blood? It costs them up to $400/pint for some blood types.
Did you know? The shelf life for whole blood is 42 days, but platelets is only 5. They NEVER throw platelets away- there is always a need.

If you give at Blood Assurance, tell them you are giving for Matt Cash (id# 493401). If you live out of town, just give. Let me know if you do, and I'll put your name on a t-shirt we got for Matt. We want him to be encouraged by all of the support people are showing for him.

Call Blood Assurance and schedule your next appointment.

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