Monday, June 30, 2008

fun weekend

Since I'm not even sure who reads this blog, this is kind of funny. I'm trying to be better at taking pictures, so this blog is proof of that. It's going to be really long and full of pictures.

Our great weekend began Friday night for me with Alex's bachelorette party! It was so much fun to hang out with the girls and celebrate with Alex! Here's our Bible study, the "Newcleus" :). These girls are the biggest blessing and the best confirmation that David and I are supposed to be in Chattanooga!

Next, David and I spent Saturday morning laying out in the pool at Becca & Keith's house. It was SOO fabulous and we are so thankful for their generosity. However, neither of us wore sunscreen and are still reaping the effects of a mere 2 hours in sunlight. My skin freaked out. After we got fried, we cleaned up and headed out. After window shopping for potential patio furniture for a long time and eating a scrumptious [and free, thanks to "entertainment shower" gift cards] meal at Olive Garden, we stopped by our house to check out the progress. Above you can see our sidewalk and the makings of 2 steps (aren't you so excited to be reading my blog about concrete?).

Garage. Duh. But, garage with driveway and driveway with retaining wall! Yipee!

Screened in porch and deck that will be 2x as long when they redo it, kindly :)

Yeah!! We love each other and our house! And, I'm so so red.

Next came Sunday, and yes, I'm still writing. You can just look at the pictures if you want to. We went to church at North Shore Fellowship and it was awesome. It's been a while (due to travel) that we've been able to worship together, and it was much needed. After church we ate lunch with a bunch of random people who were really cool. However, David and I learned that making new friends is an interesting thing and something that we need to be prepared to put some effort into. After lunch we went up to the Bryant's so I could hang out with MS and hear about her trip to Costa Rica with SCORE International. She had an amazing trip and 125 girls came to know the Lord through their soccer ministry! It was really encouraging to hear about her growth! After a while, we all piled up and headed to the lake for the afternoon! Here are some pics:

Thanks for tuning in :)


anbourke said...

Well, well, well...I am so glad that you keep up with this blog since we rarely have longer than 5 mins on the phone! So, keep it up! haha and I can't believe that you guys didn't wear sunscreeen!! ooops!

Blair McLeod said...

just so you know. i read your blog! :)

Liz Power Photography said...

you're so cute that you put a link to our website...haha:) your new house is looking so good!!!