Thursday, June 26, 2008

no more

So, Ashley's laptop is gone :(. Tuesday night as the Jenkins' household was winding down, the doorbell started ringing kind of out of control. It was a little bit disturbing, so we looked out all of the windows (for approx. 30 mins.) and called the police to just drive by and check it out. I guess we should have been more clear because that's exactly what the police officer did- drove by. Not even slowly! Anyways. We figured everything was fine and at most we might find a brown paper bag of poo on the door step in the morning. Unfortunately, the "Slow, Children Playing" sign in the yard was ripped down and thrown in the woods and Ashley's laptop is missing out of the back of her car. Granted, her car was unlocked so they didn't break anything to get in, but its gone nonetheless. So, the Jenkins (hopefully having a fabulous time despite my somewhat panicked phone calls) are at Disney and Ashley is filing a police report (from Columbus). Boo robbers.

On a lighter note, I think my blog posts are boring without some pictures. So, here are some pictures:
Me & HayHay

What the heck is wrong with my neck?
And whoa, I need a tan. Pray that it doesn't rain on Saturday so I can get one.


anbourke said...

YAY!!!! For the return of the missing lap top!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

Anonymous said...

By the way, my neck does that in pictures too. I always seem to be on the sides in group shots and feel the need to move my head in closer, which makes my neck look all strained like that. We're hot.