Tuesday, June 17, 2008

exciting mail

One really cool thing about planning a wedding is getting the reply cards back in the mail. Seriously! However, since David and I don't (yet) have a permanent residence (though this may happen in the very near future), all of the reply cards are being sent to my parents' house. They have been great to email me daily updates of the "can't come"s and "can't wait"s. It's really helpful too because we've been planning based on tentative numbers for so long, and now we're finally getting some concrete data in!! I love updating my spreadsheet and looking at the updated final numbers (ok, go ahead, laugh, I'm a nerd).

Every single response we get is exciting, but here are some particularly fun ones:

Can't Wait:
  • Bob and Vicki Galloway- Bob was in the Marine Corps with my dad and they live in Boise, Idaho! We haven't seen them in more than 10 years!
  • Dr. Matt Pirkle and Rev. Rachel Walters- ha ha! Matt was David's camper in 2005 and has worked up there ever since, including now as a junior counselor! We love him so much and we're glad he and Rachel will be there. He was a tad embarrassed when he found out my parents got these, not me and David since obviously, they aren't a doctor and a reverand as seniors in high school.
  • 7 Rhodenbaughs- Andy, David's best man who has been his best friend since infancy, has an incredibly large family. We are honored that 7 (plus Andy) of them will be coming to Chattanooga!
  • Mr. and Mrs. Jason Guin- Obviously.

Can't Come:

  • Phil Harlin- Affectionately known to the guys at David's previous place of employment (the State of KY Transportation Department Right-of-Way Cabinet) as "Filthy Phil", we are pleased to know that he did not take us up on the courtesy invite and will not be attending.

Getting that email every afternoon is definitely a highlight of my day! Keep them coming, folks :)

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