Thursday, June 12, 2008

*insert witty title here*

Well... here goes nothing! I've been talking about starting a blog for a while now, mainly because everything in mine and David's lives have changed or are changing over the course of the recent months. Granted, I don't know who will actually read this (other than probably Sarah... who needs a nickname, by the way), but I guess it's good for me to chronicle our lives anyways. Maybe we'll keep it up (and by "we" I mean "I") and use it to communicate with both of our families. Maybe.

So, I guess I'll talk about where we stand in life right now? Is that good? Who am I even talking to?...

Well, currently I am sitting in my office at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga where I am the new Director of Development for Annual Giving. Sounds pretty great, right? Well, it is, and I'm sure it will be better once I know what the heck I'm supposed to do all day every day. For now- I'm blogging. But seriously, I really enjoy the people (though it's quite a change from all of my Samford friends, who I miss!!) and I think it's going to be a good job. Also currently (like literally, right this minute), David is in an interview with Steven D. Bell. Pray that it goes well! This is a second interview, so we're hoping for results!

As far as our living situations go... we are so blessed with amazing friends. David is living with the Falcon, and they are really enjoying each other's company (especially while FWalk is lonely now since Alex is gone). It's cool for them to spend this pre-wedding time (for both of them) together. Next week Forrest (who, by the way, I have yet to see!) will be finished teaching his summer school class, so they are hoping to get to run together a good bit and do some serious packing & cleaning!

I am living at "casa de Jenkins", and it's awesome. They are at family camp at CVP right now, so it's sad being there without them, but they are so generous to open their home to me (for like the millionth time). I've been feeding the demon cat and David has been coming over in the afternoons while I'm at work to water all of their plants. We have a good system going. I'm going to stay at their house at least through their upcoming trip to Disney World (pretty much the end of June), so I can a) keep my stuff in the same place for 3 weeks in a row, b) actually spend time with the family who's house I'm occupying, and c) continue to feed the demon cat while they are gone.

As far as our future housing situation goes, we're working on it. David and I are meeting with our wonderful realtor this afternoon and we're checking out 2 very viable options. We are trying not to get our hopes up since we've been burned twice in this process now... so, more to come on our progress as it develops.

Ok, now the fun stuff! David and I went out to CVP last night and it was such a blast! We wanted to have dinner with the Jenkins since I'm staying at their house without them and I miss them. Plus, there are tons of fun camp people that it is always great to have an excuse to see! Also, David wanted to see the Venable family while they were in town from Nashville. Sooo... we accomplished all of those things. We had a great time hanging out with all of our CVP friends and just being at that special place. It was a really special treat that my new friend Anna is the Jenkins' counselor this week, so she and I got to spend the night together too! As we were leaving camp we were (and still are) so thankful that we can really see how we can continue to have a relationship with camp even though we have to enter the dreaded "real world". We feel so blessed to have CVP as part of our lives since obviously, it (well, the Lord) is what brought us together and it is the reason we are starting our lives here in Chattanooga.

Ok, well, that's all for now. I'll try to play around with this thing a bit more, and maybe you'll get some pictures eventually. Again, since I'm at work, my resources are limited, but once Shelby gets back from family camp- I'll have some great ones to share!


Anonymous said...

Okay, so first of all, I laughed so stinkin' hard when I clicked on "the Falcon"!! Sorry they have a demon cat - I've dealt with one of those... oh boy. And I'm SOOOO jealous that you guys went to camp yesterday! I LOVE your blog and I'm so pumped to keep up with your life in the most detailed way possible!!!!!!!!!!

Theresa Garcia said...

Hey Emily!

Great idea keeping everyone updated through a bog. I do the same thing! So excited about you guys and your upcoming wedding!

Blair McLeod said...

yay for blogging! its my fave- one: check your FB wall- i need your number. two- i'm gonna link to you from my blog! 3- i miss you.