Well, this weekend marked the last shower (#5!), and the last weekend to travel for a while!! Friday after work I got to see Sarah who was beginning her recovery from wisdom teeth removal (ouch!), but she is a trooper! Then, David and I helped Forrest and Alex (along with the help of RayRay) begin to move into their new home!! It is so cute and it was so much fun helping them out! The five of us walked to dinner at The Pizza Place and then got dessert at an adorable little shop next door. It was such a great night! Then, Alex decided that she was too wired to go home and go to bed, so she came back to the Jenkins' and spent the night with me! We kept Shelby up way too late boring her with wedding talk and then talked for several more hours after we had gone to bed! We slept in Laney & Ellie's room with them, so we all enjoyed a full-out sleepover! It was awesome!
[I just realized you might not want to know every detail of my weekend... but oh well... this is kind of fun.] Saturday morning we got up and went to the Clothes Closet and I got a J.Crew sweater and a skirt from Target for $4 total! It was really exciting! The rest of the day was spent cleaning out, moving, and unpacking at the Walker's, which was really fun!
Sunday, I got up and headed to Birmingham! I made a stop at my house there and then met up with my family at the house Ashley is going to live in next year. It needs a lot of work, but once they get it all fixed up it's going to be awesome! After that, Ashley, Mom and I headed to Sheri's house for the shower!! It was so much fun and so nice to see my sweet friends. Here are some pictures from the day (Laine- will you email the ones from your camera??):

Ashley and Mary Beth (who came all the way from Columbus!)
Me with the "Tussie Mussie" that Judi gave me.

Pretty bowl. Fat arm. But seriously, I love the bowl.
Wonderful Birmingham friends! We've got: Ashley, Laine's (friend, co-worker at Samford, running partner, photographer extraordinaire and hostess for the shower) little head poking out, Christy Allen and Taylor, Meredith Haughton, Suzanne McAdams, Judi Aucoin, Sheri Ransome (sweet friend, boss at Samford, Nathan's mommy and hostess), Mary Beth (bridesmaid, friend from home and Samford!), me, Sharon (bridesmaid, friend from Samford), and Bonnie Hamiter.
What a wonderful blessing these people are!
em, i'll send photos tonight once i download them :) xo!
Well, my friend. I really don't remember you being at my house. I DO know that you brought me some beautiful flowers and I think Jason was here too. Oh my... what good drugs I've been on... MISS YOU!
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