Friday, March 27, 2009

too cool for school

Last night we got to have dinner with these people:

(Rev. Matt Pirkle and Dr. Rachel Walters)


Matt and Rachel came over for a lovely dinner and dessert (awesome brownies by Rachel) last night! I've mentioned them before, but because they are awesome I'll talk about them again. Matt (who we are just getting used to calling "Matt". In camp speak, he was just Pirkle. David still prefers to be just Geyer.) was David's camper in 2005. He was a mere tot at the time, and he's blossomed into quite the young man. Rachel is his awesome girlfriend. She was a camper too, but I'm just now getting to spend one-on-one time with her, and she's so cool. I don't know why they hang out with us because we're definitely not as cool as they are. These kids are wise beyond their years and far more mature than me and David- combined. Regardless, we're bummed that they are both leaving in the fall to go to UTK! We are so thankful for their friendships!
Pirkle... you better comment on this post. I know you're reading this! Comment, comment!

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