Monday, March 2, 2009


Sorry, once again, for my lack of blogging last week. This time I actually have a semi-legitimate excuse (not that anyone out there in the blog-o-sphere is chomping at the bit for new tid bits of Geyer life, but still).

The short version: Wednesday I started feeling a weird pain in my side that progressively got worse. Thursday was spent at 1) my doctor's office, where he determined that it was probably my appendix and it would need to come out asap; 2) Chattanooga Imaging for a ton of water and sprite and a CT scan; 3) A surgeon's office who read my scans and determined that it wasn't my appendix, but an ovarian cyst that had ruptured. That was actually really good news! It meant the pain in my side will last for a couple of weeks, but that no surgery (or even medicine) is necessary! He gave me some crazy drugs for pain (which I have stopped taking... it made me feel like I was full of tingly lead) and sent me home to rest. And rest I did. I spent most of the weekend napping on the couch or in the bed. But now, after 2 days off work (and Thursday was the worst possible day I could have had to take off work... fortunatley, my amazing co-workers were so helpful!) I'm back in action. Kind of. I'm feeling fine (pain in side is still there- but only when I'm standing, so sitting at my computer is no problem), just a little puny.

A side note: Harley was so great! He seemed to know that I wasn't feeling well, so he napped most of the weekend along with me! Considering that he's a pretty hyperactive dog, this was quite a feat. He made it much easier to be sicky.

Another side note: David was so great! But, of course you already expected that :)

1 comment:

Sheri said...

I am so sorry to read this! I look foward to seeing you on Saturday.