Monday, January 30, 2012

week 37

Week 37 is just going to have to get posted without a picture. I kept hoping that I'd feel/look decent enough to snap a photo, but it just didn't happen.

This week ended with the onset of my stomach bug, but prior to that I was feeling pretty good! As soon as I got sick, I started feeling panicky about the baby's health and I immediately wanted him to be out of me. I have said all along that I don't want to be induced, but earlier this week I was ready to call the doctor and beg for help. 
Pre-stomach bug, I had been craving sliced pears, applesauce and strawberries (all ice cold). 
My mom, dad and sister all came with me for my 37-week appointment, and that was such a treat. It was so nice for them to meet Dr. Brody, and they got an extra-special ultrasound experience! Dr. B had a nursing student with him and she actually did the ultrasound. She had no idea what she was doing, so it took extra long and we got to see this little man for a long time. He has huge lips (like my brother!) and it looks like all 10 fingers. The biggest shocker was that he weighs about 7 pounds, 3 ounces already. That means he gained one pound in the last week! Yikes! If he keeps up this pattern, we're in for a giant baby if we make it to 40 weeks. I'm trying not to think about that...

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Hang in there, sweet friend! You're doing great.

I'm praying for you..

Oh, and I've had friends whose ultrasounds point to big babies and they've had very normal sized babies (6-8lbers) and friends whose ultrasounds have said 6 lbs and they've had 10 lbers. So, take it with a grain of salt! Just keep doing what you're doing. God will provide a way for that baby to come out of you, I promise :)