Monday, January 9, 2012

week 35

Everyone keeps asking me if I'm super uncomfortable, and maybe that's because I've grown so much in the past few weeks. Thankfully, I'm feeling really good. I still don't sleep well very often, but that's pretty minor. I've had some new hip pain, and my tailbone and back are still not cooperative, but all-in-all, I'm SO fine. Who knows what the next 5 weeks will be like, but for now, I definitely can't complain.

We made some good progress on our "things to do before baby comes" list this weekend. The list really isn't that long, so we're feeling good about being "ready" (I know there's really no such thing). I'm still feeling confident that Mr. Crawford is going to come late, but I want to be prepared just in case he comes early. I don't exactly know how to balance the two conflicting stances... oh well.

Exciting things coming up:
  • Brit's baby shower in Birmingham this weekend
  • Carpets being professionally cleaned this weekend! Woo hoo!
  • David starting his new job next week.
  • Three (!!) Chattanooga baby showers in the weeks following
  • Just 15 more days of work

1 comment:

Melissa said...

You look great!! Can you believe we're getting so close to the end.

I totally understnad the daily mental struggle of getting ready for an early baby/preparing for it to be late. It's. Driving. Me. Crazy.

Some of the best advice I got when I was pregnant with Vale was to schedule something every single day through 41 weeks. Even if it's just watching 7 episodes of Gilmore Girls and baking cookies, or meeting a friend for lunch. That way, you have something to look forward to instead of feeling the pressure of waiting...every day.

My babies were each born the day before I had really fun activities planned the very next day. With vale it was a pedicure and lunch with friends. With beck it was a haircut and a girl's night out. It wasn't sad at all to have to call my stylist the next day and tell her I had just had a baby and OF COURSE wouldn't be at my appointment :)

I'm glad you're not going to be working for a few weeks before Crawford makes his arrival! Enjoy those seemingly lonely days...sleep sleep sleep!!

Thinking about you all the time!