Monday, October 31, 2011

a place for baby to sleep

David's grandparents stopped in for a visit over the weekend on their way to Sanibel, and it was so fun. We ate at Southern Star Friday night and spent time together at home for the night. David had to work Saturday morning, so Grammy Rae and I figured out how to work my new serger (which was a but we she eventually got it working) and Papa Dale played with the dogs and rested. David made it home around lunch time and we all went out to lunch, then on to Children's Fair! We got our new van on Friday, so we thought it was the perfect opportunity to go ahead and buy our crib. Unfortunately, the crib didn't fit in the van... David and our neighbor (and his truck) went back that afternoon to pick it up, and D got it put together the next morning (just in time for a baby shower... details to come)!

We love it! The nursery is really coming together!

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