Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Tuesday thoughts

I've mentioned before that "overwhelmed" could be the word to describe my pregnancy thus far, but over the weekend I had a mini revelation about what that ought to mean for our lives right now... (Be prepared. This is rambly and random.)

At church, we are working our way through the Bible in 20 "big picture" lessons that correspond to weekday readings the congregation is following along with. (Side note: It's pretty cool that as David and I are reading through the Jesus Storybook Bible before Crawford comes, we are staying right on schedule with the Sunday messages.) Sunday's sermon was about Moses and the Israelites' Exodus from Egypt. Of course, that story ends with the dividing of the Red Sea.

We had dinner with a precious family last week, and Kelley made a side comment that has resonated in my heart for a week now. She was talking about the season of life when she and Shelby were pregnant together, and how it was something Jesus did for them just to be sweet. It brought tears to my eyes because a) I've heard Shelby talk about the same thing and b) I am totally in the midst of that season of sweetness too.

I've shared this before, but even if the only thing God ever gave us was salvation ( = eternity in heaven with Him!), that would be enough. Shoot, that would be WAY WAY more than enough. Yet, in addition to eternal security, He continues to give us blessings upon blessings every day. Sometimes the blessings he gives us are radical and earth shattering (parting the Red Sea, growing a human inside another human, healing cancer and leukemia) and other times, they are subtle whispers (like being surrounded by friends in the same season of life).

After a few pretty hefty parenting conversations (cloth diapering, vaccines, etc.) the other day, I was tempted to feel overwhelmed (notice a theme??) and stressed about the important decisions we need to make. When we got home and had time to talk about it, David and I realized that we shouldn't be bogged down by conversations like that, but reminded of how blessed we are. We spent the entire day Sunday with dear, sweet friends that we are beyond thankful for.

So... is this time of life full of important decisions and lots to learn about? Absolutely. But, it should only be overwhelming in that God shows His goodness to us through every facet of our little lives. We want to do everything perfectly as we welcome this little guy into our family and the world, but the color of the nursery or which birth classes we attend are not going to matter in the grand scheme of his life or certainly of eternity.

*Edit to add: We sang this song at church Sunday, and it totally encapsulated my feelings... What can we do but worship our God who is SO good to us?

So what can I say
What can I do
But offer this heart O God
Completely to You

So I'll stand
With arms high and heart abandoned
In awe of the One who gave it all


Claire @ Dr B's said...

I say "ENJOY" this VERY special time...it will never be just the two of you again...BREATHE and enjoy each other!!! XOXO

Claire @ Dr B's said...

Oh..and RELAX... ;-)