Wednesday, October 26, 2011

week 24- 6 months!

I can't believe I'm six months pregnant! It seriously has flown by, and I'm sure February will be here in no time! This weekend begins a month of craziness for us, and by the time we're back on a regular schedule it will be December. That is nuts.

We had to re-schedule my usual Monday doctor appointment because Dr. B was off delivering some twins, and I was bummed at first but it worked out perfectly because David wasn't going to be able to come on Monday. Everything was great with Dr. Brody, as usual. I hope I never take for granted those uneventful doctor's appointment. The best news is the Crawford looks wonderfully healthy and he flipped over! Yay for being head down :). His movements are SO big and pronounced now, and we should just get rid of our TV because I can watch my belly for entertainment for hours. Now that we saw him again, it's fun to feel him move and be able to identify what body part we're probably seeing/feeling.

Because of the trip we're taking Thanksgiving week, I won't be able to go back to the doctor for FIVE weeks. Good thing we have a lot going on because it's going to be torture to wait that long, I'm sure. They will do my glucose test at that next appointment and then I'll begin going every two weeks! woo hoo!

We've begun the pediatrician interview process, and it's just weird. Of the three we're checking out, I know we'll be well taken care of no matter what we decide. Other than my usual pregnant gasiness, I've discovered that drinking milk = GAS. Whoa nelly. Unfortunately, milk is one of the few healthy things I've craved, and I feel like I need to drink it as much as I can. So, watch out down wind...

I got my second shower invitation in the mail (this actually should have gone on last week's post...). My sweet sis is throwing a book shower for us in Birmingham! I can't wait to hang out with her (two weekends in a row!) and my other Birmingham friends in just a few weeks. Should be fun.

So much good stuff going on, and we are so thankful. I haven't said it enough, but David has been totally wonderful. For the first few months he was busy holding my hair back and cleaning up more vomit than should be discussed, but lately he has been just as helpful. I have been a list-making, cleaning-out, organizing, project-doing fiend, and he is so willing to do whatever it is that will make me happy (and keep me from crying). He constantly encourages me to rest as much as possible, and he is SO loving... I just don't deserve him. When I want to go to bed at 8:45 (every night) he goes with me because he knows that I hate going to bed alone. Considering that I'm up all night long, that man is getting some good sleep these days! I don't think he could have one more ounce of excitement to meet this little boy, and it is the cutest thing I've ever seen. He is going to be the best daddy ever, but definitely not at the expense of continuing to be an amazing husband. I can't wait to share this new journey with him.


Rebecca Cash said...

Em you are absolutely BEAUTIFUL! And I love Crawford's room so far :)

Megan Stephens said...

love love love this post! so happy for you two and so glad you're out of the vomit stage :) haha! love you em