Tuesday, October 18, 2011

week 23

One more week gone by...

I feel like I'm having a growth spurt or something... does that happen to pregnant women? Just in the last few days I feel like a totally different (large/uncomfortable) person. Bending over, rolling over, standing up, etc... have all become more challenging. I feel like I'm being whiny, but as I told David, it's SO weird to get used to your body being so different from how it has always been. Sleep is still elusive, and that's just annoying. People keep saying that is is preparing me for when the baby comes, and while I understand that, laying awake all night long now isn't doing anyone much good. It will be much more justified when I have a little guy to tend to. After 3-4 days of waking up before the crack of dawn, I am totally spent.

I woke up Monday morning feeling rough and since I have tons of sick time, David convinced me to stay in bed a bit longer. I went in to work a little late, but I didn't make it all day long. I even ended up calling the doctor because my belly just felt weird. After talking to my mom and the nurse at Dr. B's office, I think I either sat too long at work then stood up and tweaked something or Crawford was sitting/laying in a new/funny way. Regardless, I spent the afternoon and evening in bed (and was sooo bored). 

This little boy is sure to be a busy little fella for all the moving he does inside of me. It is constant and I love it! Whenever he is still for a long time I get worried, so I'm glad he's so busy to remind me that he's doing well :).

This picture grosses David out because of how my belly button looks. Ha! He has so much stuff to look forward to that is going to be WAY more gross than that (it sort of looks like my belly button is wearing a hat). 

We've made some progress in the nursery, and one day I'll take pictures and blog about it... Nothing is 100% finished so I think I'm just holding out until I can show completion. I'm waiting for Grammy Rae's visit next weekend so she can help me with a few sewing projects!

We go to the doctor on Monday, and I CAN'T wait! We're getting closer and closer to meeting our little fella, and we can't wait!


Marcie said...

I HATE not being able to sleep. I'm so exhausted from being on my feet all day...all I want to do all day is sleep and then, NOPE, body has other plans.
Know that you are not alone in that.
Hang in there. February will be here before you know it :)

I am looking forward to pictures of the nursery!

cathy said...

You look soooooo beautiful!