Thursday, October 6, 2011

what I'm...

reading: Jesus Storybook Bible (David reads it to us every night. It's sweet family time!), Babywise (ugh... talk about overwhelming!) and Breaking Dawn (yeah, I'm random). AND this awesome article. A must read for parents or parents-to-be like us. Wow!

listening to: Pandora- I rotate between my Phil Whickam station and my Mozart station. Ha! Also, Ash sent some awesome instrumental cds (Hymns of Hope, Autumn in New England, Sacred Sounds of the Mountain) that I play when my Pandora runs out for the month (which will probably happen this week for October... ooops.)

wearing: other than trying to maximize my last few days/weeks of summery maternity things (my 3 pairs of go-to work maternity pants are capris...), I'm pumped about two new pairs of shoes:

I've been looking for/wanting to buy some go-to, wear-to-workable (ish), wear-with-socks, flat (but supportive) shoes, and these were the winners. I agonize over shoe purchases, so it was quite a victory to buy two pairs that I'm really happy with. The Lands End clogs are obviously Dansko knock offs, but for $40 (instead of $120), I'm pretty pumped. Plus, Danskos have always felt super heavy to me and these are much lighter. The Toms were Hayden's idea, and I'm so glad I took her advice! I might be pushing it wearing them with black work pants all winter, but oh well.

watching: We're enjoying having new shows come on each week. Some of our favorites are the Little Couple, 19 Kids and Counting (don't judge), Modern Family and Grey's. My favorite show right now is 30 Rock. We watch it on the iPad (from Netflix) and it is awesome! Last night we went to watch an episode and noticed they added another season (or more? 30+ more episodes!) to Netflix and I was pumped!!

eating/drinking: I've added a glass of milk to my grands biscuits routine, and I'm feeling pretty good about that. I haven't had milk to drink in years!

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