Tuesday, November 1, 2011

shower for Wuby/Shiloh

This weekend was full! David's grandparents were here until Sunday morning and as soon as they left, baby-shower-prep began! It's always nice to have special occasions at your house so there is some immediate motivation to get stuff done. David made our weekly grocery run (he always does, it saves us money!) and got started on the crib while I mopped and vaccuumed and cleaned the house. We make a good team, and we had all of the essential stuff ready in time for people to arrive.

This baby shower was definitely the most special one I've ever been a apart of. Every baby is a gift, but the sweet girl that Jan and Andrea are adopting from Ethiopia is a particularly special blessing. As I write this, they are on their way to Ethiopia, and they will meet their daughter on Thursday! It has been a long road for the Asches, but their unwavering faith has been such a testimony to so many of us. On top of the fact that Jan & Andrea are bringing home Wuby/Shiloh (Wubnesh Ademitulu is her Ethiopian name that will remain as her middle name, Shiloh is her new name!), they are in the process of moving back to Michigan. So, the shower was especially bittersweet knowing that we won't get to be a part of this little one's life on a daily basis like we would all so love to do. The Asches will be near family and Shiloh will have no shortage of people to love her, and for that we're all thankful.

SO many wonderful people came to celebrate Andrea and Shiloh, and it was such a special day. We laughed and we cried, and hopefully we'll all get to meet our new little friend in no time!

Africa-shaped cookie cake (turned sideways); Wendi and Ellie

Maya in her Halloween costume; Andrea, Emory, Anna and Jodi

Opening such thoughtful gifts!

Mother-in-law from Germany, Andrea with her Ethiopia baby, Mom from America- SOO SPECIAL!

hostesses with our new scarves

love this friend!

We're going to miss you!

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