Tuesday, November 29, 2011

weeks 28 & 29

Week 28
I was officially 28 weeks pregnant while we were in California, so the picture is fitting (I'm on the beach at the Hotel del Coronado). Traveling across the country pregnant made me a tiny bit nervous, but everything was great. I broke my own tradition of never peeing on an airplane because, well, it was a long flight. In fact, the day we traveled west I peed 14 times. Yes. We kept track. I mean, it was ridiculous. My back and tailbone did bother me a lot on the plane, and I was really glad I brought a neck pillow- that I used for my back! I tried an icy hot patch, but panicked when it started tingling and feeling weird. I've since checked with the doc and know I'm safe to try again.

I slept like a ROCK on our trip. I don't know if it was just because we were out of town and worry-free or because of the king size bed (we have a queen), but regardless it was glorious. I literally slept for 12+ hours a night and napped each afternoon. Why must we return to real life and work?! We did tons of walking the whole time we were there (when I was actually awake), and I felt great!

Week 29
I went to the doctor for my 19 week appointment and everything is looking great. I passed my glucose test and got to see our little man (who was, of course, sleeping during the ultrasound). The highlight of the appointment was noticing that Crawford has giant chubby cheeks!! Oh, I hope he keeps those for the next 10+ weeks! We're onto the every-two-week schedule for doctor appointments, and that makes me really happy. I know I sound like a broken record, but I am SO thankful that Dr. B does an ultrasound at every appointment. That should have been my one thing to share at Thanksgiving this year. I've told David we're never moving away unless Dr. Brody comes too.

I have gained a significant amount of weight. I'm still below average on the babble pregnancy weight gain calculator (my fav pregnancy/baby/mom site), and even though I'm sure it doesn't matter, that makes me feel better. I'm already pretty sick of the clothes I have to wear to work, and I have 2 months left to go.

My mom made a cute "countdown to Crawford" sign for us, and we love flipping those numbers every day. We're 75 days away from his due date, but I'm totally expecting him to be late. My parents have thrown their guesses in the hat, and I think we'll start writing them down to see who gets his birthday correct. We'll know before too long! We have SO much to look forward to this month that I know it will fly by, but I'm already anticipating that January will inch along slowly.

1 comment:

Alex said...

You look great and I promise you haven't gained too much weight! I was going to tell you (and hopefully this encourages you) that I DID gain too much weight and that my doctor (by week 24) had to tell me to slow down or I was going to gain 50+ lbs. I gained over forty and while it was a concern during pregnancy can tell you it gets gone FAST afterwards :) So don't worry! Enjoy the ability to eat stuff knowing that it WILL go away! Especially if you feed your baby yourself and even mores if you end up watching your diet while feeding your babe :)