Monday, November 28, 2011

still here

Sorry for the blogging hiatus. We've been on-the-move, and stopping to blog just wasn't a priority.

David and I left town last Saturday (yikes, it's been a long time!) to begin our Thanksgiving week. We decided to take the whole week of Thanksgiving off work to provide for some quality time together and a getaway trip. We spent one night in Nashville, hung out with the McLeods and took off early Sunday morning for sunny San Diego. We knew we wanted to take a "babymoon" trip, but we debated back and forth for a loooong time about where we wanted to go. Our criteria ended up looking like this: warm-ish weather (but not too warm... I don't have warm-weather clothes that fit), somewhere we've never been before, sights to see but not so many that we felt like we had to be on-the-go constantly. Thus, San Diego. It really was the perfect trip for what we had in mind. We got to see some friends and some family, see some sights, do some fun things and rest a lot. Pics and details to come.

We arrived at home at 3am Thanksgiving day. After sleeping for a few hours (D made an airport run around 6:30! yikes!), we roused our sleepy heads to do a little laundry, a little cooking and a little parade watching. We joined the Hudson/Mosier/Bryant families for lunch, and loved our time with them (of course). Jim and Nancy Hudson hosted, and it was such a nice day. Before we prayed, we stood around in a circle, holding hands and sharing what we are thankful for. There were tears shed (mine, of course) and laughs all around (Jay tried to get away with a "pass" and Margaret Anne simply said her traditional "dogs!"). Of course, we have so much to be thankful for this year, as we do every year. Making a life really puts thankfulness into perspective, and we certainly didn't want to overlook that this year.

Even though we got home on Thursday, it felt like our long weekend was a total blur! We did so many fun things (Black Friday shopping, first annual family football game, smores and pizza at the Hudsons, breakfast with Anna, Jessica's baby shower, Alabama/Auburn game party, Calvary kids at church), and by Sunday we were ready to crash. I didn't leave the house all day, and it was glorious. I even learned how to crochet!

Now, we're starting off another week full of activities and fun, and counting down until Christmas!

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