Tuesday, January 13, 2009

what do you think?

Ok, so I have a dilemma. Sort of. Here's the thing... David and I have been talking about getting either a nice new camera (probably a Nikon D80) or a puppy (a Maltipoo preferably :)).
We just found out the D80 is being discontinued, so that is a factor, but not a deal breaker. I've been wanting a dog on and off for months and months... actually since I graduated from college, so close to 2 years. So tell us... what do you think?? There's a poll right here:
OH, and comment to say why you voted for what you did.
(Thanks to Sarah for co-writing this post :))


Anonymous said...

Dang, it's such a tough choice. I still haven't voted! Good idea though - ask the bloggies! :)

anna c. said...

SO easy. camera wins hands down. but then again, i'm not so much of a dog person and SUCH a picture person, i'm probably way biased. BUT how many blogs have i heard about your pitiful camera and this is the FIRST time you've written about wanting a dog? haha, AND, you and david have enough giddy fun that it's too perfect just the two of you. thats my 2 cents :D

Rebecca Cash said...

DOG! :-D

Rebecca Cash said...

I guess I should write why I say Dog...lets just say that my dog who is a maltshi is my best friend and such a fun cuddle buddy. He is especially there for me when I'm sad or need a pick me up. I am probably biased though as well because I am such a dog lover and would have one right now if I was allowed at my apartment! <3

Beth said...

Definitely the dog. Nothing better and more exciting than when you get your furry first born. Seriously, that little dog will love you no matter what mood you are in. Dogs are the best things ever. Nothing beats them.....well until you have a real child. I think you should save your camera purchase for later. Get the dog. You won't regret it. Oh, and could you get it before January 23rd? Please.......

Anonymous said...

ok.. so, if it were me, I'd get the camera. Because I'd use it a ton and because that wouldn't lead to my spending every night in the hospital from dog allergies. But for you, I bet you'll be sad not getting the pup in the end :) I would be, if I could have dogs and they not kill me :)

So.... do the thing you won't regret the most. This camera is only being discontinued because they're going to come out with something better in two months anyway :)

Leigh said...

Get the Dog! You won’t need a “good” camera until you have your first born; most likely your furry first won’t care what kind of camera you have.

Becca Rocha said...

CAMERA!!! And I am a dog person. I love dogs. BUT how will you record this little pup's life without a camera? get the dog later and the camera now. come spend some time with Kate if you need a snuggle buddy.

ALSO, a camera won't tie you down or cost as much in the long run:)

But I support you in whatever you decide:)

NatnAlly said...

I vote for the puppy. So cute!!

Zack and Brittany said...

camera. definitely. zack and I got a dog right before we got married and now that we have a baby--wish I would have gone with a camera!

mom said...

I vote for the camera! You don't have to feed it or clean up after it. Also it doesn't get lonely when you leave it home alone and chew up everything you own!