Friday, January 30, 2009

I fell off the blogging wagon this week.

Sorry about that.

Tuesday night we had our first "lesson" from Feminine Appeal. First of all, I think everyone should read this book. It goes through Titus 2 and explains 7 virtues of biblical womanhood. It is really practical and so full of truth. So, Becca, Sarah and I knew we wanted to read this book, but we thought it'd be helpful to go through it with other people too. So we've asked several women in our lives who are amazing godly influences to join us for one chapter each. Diana came on Tuesday and walked us through the chapter on the Beauty of Submission. Honestly it was a great chapter to start with (even though it's the last one in the book), because it is probably the greatest struggle for us as women and wives. We learned so much about how God intended our marriages to look, and we were are very convicted about ways we need to be more submissive to our husbands (and future husband).

"...let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious." - 1 Peter 3:4

I LOVE these friends.
In other news... there was a red-tail hawk outside my window on Wednesday. I've ventured into a new role at my job- major gifts fundraising- and I had my first meeting with a prospective donor. We had a fabulous dinner last night with the Rochas and the Walkers at Ghengis Grill. It was so great to catch up with the Walkers, who we wish we saw more often! Harley is still cute as a bug, and it's been determined that he likes David more than me.


Lauren M said...

ooo major gifts fundraising. thats awesome. keep us updated on how it goes!

its ok about harley. my dog def likes chris better as well. i think its a guy thing. maybe "mans best friend" really has something to it. stinks.

Anonymous said...

YAY!! I just love Emily posts. :) And Tuesday was just plain awesome - I've already apologized to 2 people for my manipulative attitude... Now I just have to try to STOP DOING IT!! :) Love you friend.

The Rozell Family said...

hey em! how are you guys? We are great, just anxiously awaiting Rozell baby #2! we hope to come to Chatt town soon to see you guys and everyone there. miss ya'll. I MISS MUDD PIE and BLue Sky. Are those still there in business?

Anonymous said...

i don't think it's possible for you to fall off this wagon.

you set the standard!

i had a blast last night with you guys :)