Monday, January 5, 2009


I've never been a big fan of New Year's Eve. It's probably because I'm boring and I like to go to bed early, but I'm ok with that. Fortunatley, David is ok with that. We definitley kept it low key this year. Sarah and Jason came over and we taught them out to play Catan! Sarah didn't really get into it, but we're hoping it will grow on her :). David picked up a Publix cake (the best!) for the occasion (it said "Happy New Year to the Geyers"), and we've been enjoying it all weekend. It was so much fun to just sit around and hang out to ring in the new year with some of our best friends!

New Year's Day was super fun. After sleeping in and cleaning house for a little bit, we had guests! Sarah and Jason returned and Todd and Raynolds joined us. Jason brought his sister's Wii and Sarah and I played it while the boys watched football. I was terrrrrible. Seriously, awful. It was fun anyways. Sorta.

David made his signature food- stromboli- and even gave the guys a cooking lesson.

We had a great time hanging out for most of the day. Sarah and I even made a last minute Hobby Lobby run to snag some new year's deals. It's rare when I go a whole week without a visit to HL, which is fortunate because I get to see my friend Paula when I do! This is the first post in a series of updates, so check back later for more!


Kristin said...

Between you and Becca Hart, I'm gonna need to look into this Settler's of Catan game!! Maybe the next time I come up to Chattanooga, I'll join the craze! haha

Patrick said...

Catan? Good work!

We played with 12 people in teams of 2 last week when we had a load of guests. Things get crazy with lots of teams, but I think it only makes it more fun.