Monday, January 12, 2009

Seriously, God?

When David and I started dating, I met this girl Sara. At the time she was dating David's best friend, so it was natural that we all would hang out. Little did I know what the Lord had in store for our relationship. This girl has blessed me in more ways than she knows. Pretty much every time we talk we are reminded of how random it is that we're even friends- not to mention that we are really, really similar, get along incredibly well and have this dynamic friendship from the Lord. She has lived in Thailand for the past year and a half, and we've kept in touch on-and-off, but the other day she encouraged me and challenged me more than anyone on this side of the continent. She sent me an email (that included the most beautiful and perfect prayer for me) and wrote this blog post. She said a bunch of super sweet things about us and then said she is jealous... jealous. of me. I didn't even know what to think at first. Then, I thought two things:

1. How encouraging.
Someone that I know in such a random, distant way thinks so highly of me- though I don't deserve it. Shoot, even that she reads my blog is encouraging :).

2. I am such a sinner.
Just re-reading her email and her blog, these were words about myself that came to mind: ungrateful.

There is nothing in me or about me that is beautiful or praiseworthy. NOTHING. except Jesus. Not only do I forget to dwell on that and praise Him for it- I ignore it altogether.
Sarah said (about me and David), "God has been so good to them, and it's a testimony to how he loves his children and how he wants the best for them when you look at their lives." Absolutely true. Yet, look at how I live- totally ungrateful! The Lord has done/is doing things in our lives that are apparent even to someone on the other side of the planet, and here I sit. lukewarm.

Becca recently reminded me of our need to confess our sins, and though this is a slightly (ok, more than slightly) impersonal way to do that, it is incredible accountability for me to post my sins on the internet. Hold me accountable. Challenge me. Encourage me and David to be filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God (Phil. 1:11).

And... on a lighter note... here are a few awkward, random pictures of the first time I met Sara (and Andy and Hannah- the gang that grew up together), in Oxford, 2005:

Does it get more awkward than this?? I submit no.

Though it looks like I'm giving Sara the evil eye, I think I was watching the boys playing behind her. Promise!

Dave and Hannah

We played (what's this game called?)... Sara and I were horrible. But it was fun!

And finally... this picture of me and Sara (from the summer of 2006) is hanging on our fridge now!

Love this girl and I am SO thankful for her!

1 comment:

Sara said...

Well, some of those pictures are terrible, I guess I knew with your sporting skills (as shown in the racquetball action shot) we would be good friends. Thank you for your encouragement, and for putting me on your fridge -- you are on mine too. And, this blog also shows that we need to spend more time together so we have better pictures. You are wonderful, thank you.