Wednesday, January 21, 2009

thanks for the advice

Harley was so good last night! Thanks to all of the helpful suggestions here and on facebook, we got a good night's sleep. He only woke up once during the night, but earplugs helped a LOT. He is already such a joy to us! Yeah, it's an adjustment getting used to thinking about something other than just yourself, but we're enjoying the process.

Harley loves his homemade toys- old tshirts ripped up and tied into knots- and laying on his back to play! He's so much fun!


Kristin said...

I just can't get over how precious he is!! I hope it keeps getting easier :)

Kasey Lee said...

I wish I could have spent more time with him :( I am so excited for you and want to thank you again for being SO hospitable! I hope I get to see you again very soon!