Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I've been anxiously awaiting this post for a while now... watching that little number beside my blog name until it reached 99... but now this is my 100th post! (Sarah beat me to it last night...) So, in honor of my 100th post, I have prepared a list of more things about me than you'd probably ever want to know...

  1. I hate birds' wings flapping.
  2. My grandma is Australian.
  3. My spiritual gift is hospitality.
  4. I love praying with my husband.
  5. I watched all 10 seasons on Friends in 2 months on DVD.
  6. I am an early bird which requires that I go to bed annoyingly early.
  7. I am embarrassingly lazy.
  8. Honey mustard is my favorite condiment (and virtually the only condiment I eat at all).
  9. I secretly love my handwriting sometimes.
  10. I am envious of my dad's patriotism.
  11. I've always been an inconsistent journal-er.
  12. My first car was a 1989 Chrysler LeBaron convertible.
  13. I am terrible decorator.
  14. I aspire to be as good of a wife, mom and friend as the women who have mentored me over the years.
  15. I haven't flossed my teeth in years.
  16. I could eat macaroni every day.
  17. My brother is going to be famous one day. You should be friends with him.
  18. I'm proud to be a Geyer, but I'll always be a Bourke at heart.
  19. I want to know more about politics.
  20. I have recently become incredibly sentimental.
  21. I am a pack-rat, which does not bode well for being incredibly sentimental.
  22. I am incredibly comfortable with confrontation.
  23. I know I am called and created to be a mom, and I cannot wait for that time to come.
  24. Gymnastics was my thing growing up. I quit when I was 12, competing at level 5.
  25. Reading was my other thing growing up. I was never, ever without a book.
  26. When I was in elementary school I made a library out of my books. Literally. Each book had a pocked with a card in it so Ashley & Greg could check them out and I had a “card catalog” with every book of mine written (in correct format) on an index card. I was serious about it.
  27. Other than my salvation, working at Camp Vesper Point has been the single most influential experience of my life.
  28. David and I have lists (ok, I have lists, but he helped make them) of things we want to do in our lifetime- categorized of course.
  29. I pick my split ends. It’s a terrible habit, and I’m trying to quit.
  30. I have had plastic surgery. Ok, not really, but a plastic surgeon did have to remove a cyst from my lower eyelid.
  31. I love, love office supplies. Pens, paper, binders, notebooks, paperclips, etc.
  32. In the winter I pretty much only wear black. I have 5 black sweaters.
  33. Rarely does a day go by that I don’t remember all of my dreams vividly. I’m convinced that it messed with my deep sleep, which makes me tired throughout the day. (remember- hypochondriac)
  34. I think grief training is something every person alive should have to go through.
  35. David and I fell in love on a sand volleyball court.
  36. Every time I type the word paragraph I spell it “paragraphy”.
  37. Every time I say the Pledge of Allegiance I accidentally say “Amen” at the end.
  38. I have always (ok, not when I was a little girl) had a difficult time making/being friends with girls. Thus, I am so thankful for all of my girlfriends who put up with me!
  39. Homeschooling fascinates me, and we’re currently planning to homeschool our kids.
  40. Each morning of elementary school (well, 4th and 5th grade while I was at Calvary) we had to say the Pledge of Allegiance, the pledge to the Christian flag and the pledge to the Bible.
  41. I’ve recently become obsessed with paisley.
  42. I’ve only been a bridesmaid once (refer to #38).
  43. My mom is the youngest child of 6. There are 14 original grandkids, 7 grandkid-in-laws (with 2 more being added this summer), and 7 great-grands (1 on the way) totaling at 30 cousinish people.
  44. It took 14 years for all 14 grandkids to be in the same place at the same time, and it was at my grandmother’s funeral.
  45. There is a 30 year age difference between the oldest cousin (Charles, in New York) and the youngest cousin (my brother Greg, in Georgia).
  46. I already have my children’s names picked out (but come on, what girl doesn’t?).
  47. I am always, always cold.
  48. David is the only boyfriend I’ve ever had and the only boy I’ve ever kissed. :)
  49. I have my cartilage pierced on my left ear. So does my mom.
  50. Though I grew up in Georgia, I have never been to an Atlanta Braves game.
  51. In high school I thought I was called to full time, vocational ministry and thus started the process of ordained ministry in the United Methodist Church. Then I got to college and learned about myself.
  52. My fifth grade music teacher (Miss Pope) was the one to tell me there was no Santa Claus. Yes, in 5th grade.
  53. I was born in Torrance, CA. Every single time I write Torrance, I have to check to see if it is spelled “Torrance” or “Torrence”. I usually get it wrong.
  54. My favorite white cake is Publix brand. My favorite dessert in general is Linda’s Fudge Cake from Cheesecake Factory.
  55. I love to play games, but I’m typically a sore loser.
  56. I LOVE the Olympics. I mean, really love them.
  57. Bunionettes run in my family, and I’ve had surgery to get mine removed from my left foot.
  58. I went skiing every winter with my youth group.
  59. I went white water rafting every summer with my youth group.
  60. If I had my druthers I would wear sweat pants and a long-sleeved t-shirt every day of my life.
  61. I bought my first house when I was 21.
  62. I have really strong fingernails and really weak ankles.
  63. Every book report I ever had to do was either on John Gregory Bourke or Clara Barton.
  64. John Gregory Bourke is my only famous ancestor.
  65. The thing that rid me of my fingernail biting habit was a gymnastics coach who explained how many germs there are on uneven bars.
  66. I had 2 ancestors on the Titanic.
  67. The standard high school graduation gift for girls in my family is a Huguenot cross necklace.
  68. I compulsively check my email. And blogs. And facebook.
  69. I almost always prefer the self-checkout line at the grocery.
  70. Since knowing David, I call grocery stores simply “the grocery”.
  71. Gchat is one of my new favorite things.
  72. I really hate washing my hands after I go to the bathroom. (Just being real with you here.)
  73. My high school didn’t have “dances” (Baptist school/church...), we had formal dinner events.
  74. My favorite minor holiday (can you have minor and major holidays like you do characters in a book?) is Veterans Day, because I love going to services when all of the branches of the military are represented and the Veterans stand and salute their flag.
  75. The sun makes me sneeze, and I used to think it made everyone sneeze.
  76. I have never owned a key to my parent’s house (the house I lived in from 7th grade on). Hence, we never, ever locked a door.
  77. My parents had my ears pierced when I was an infant, thus it was always an expectation that I wear earrings all of the time.
  78. The elderly make me terribly sad.
  79. My middle name is Louise after my great Aunt Louise.
  80. There are 5 other “Louises” in my family.
  81. Aunt Louise’s first name was actually Harriett.
  82. The Pioneer Woman is my favorite blog.
  83. I would totally drive a minivan.
  84. I am prone to leaving the lid to the toilet up, but I’m working on putting it down…
  85. My favorite number has always been 9. No idea why.
  86. My mom’s first name is Mary, but she goes by Mollie.
  87. I cheered at Samford my freshman year of college.
  88. I broke my nose cheering my freshman year of college when an 80lb. flier fell out of a stunt and onto my face- with her elbow.
  89. My sister and I are 2 years and 1 day apart. However, I was born in California late at night and she was born in Georgia (just a few weeks after we moved) early in the morning- so if we had still been in CA, it would have been the same day.
  90. Until this year, I had never been to any doctor who was a female.
  91. My most embarrassing moment took place in front of hundreds of parents, coaches and high school cheerleaders during an All-American run-off at cheerleading camp.
  92. Every birthday party I had growing up was one of three things: a spend-the-night party (combined with Ashley and her friends, of course), a gymnastics party (combined with Ashley and her friends, of course) or a pool party (this was my choice as I got older and they weren’t always combined).
  93. Growing up, we frequently had gerbils as pets. Until we woke up one morning to find that one gerbil had eaten the other one. Not kidding.
  94. I have never attended a public school. Kind of a shame, huh?
  95. I have 1,222 facebook friends.
  96. Of my facebook friends, 11 are my past teachers.
  97. I love headbands.
  98. I wish I had dimples.
  99. When I worked at summer day camp in middle/high school, one kid asked me why I had feathers on my arms and another kid asked why I had boy arms. Thus, I’m incredibly self-conscious about my hairy arms.
  100. This took me a long, long time.


Anonymous said...

WHOOO HOOOOO!!!! I just read all 100! :) And now I will get back to what I should have been doing instead of reading these...

Theresa Garcia said...

I am super impressed by the fact that you wrote 100 things about yourself. I can rarely think of more than ten.

Kristin said...

I'm sooooooo impressed with all 100 posts!!!! Love it!! :) I'm definitely inspired whenever I get to 100 posts....which is quite a ways a way!

Rebecca Cash said...

Loved reading these :-)

anna c. said...

I for sure identify with you on 29. Number 37 was hilarious for me. And 89 and whatever the titanic one was was overly interesting. :) very enjoyable. yay to us for having the same kind of blog done at the same time!!! :)

Becca Rocha said...

haha! Congratulations on your 100th where's your giveaway? Just learning new things about you. So, what was your most embarrassing moment? you need to elaborate:)

Beth said...

Ok, the library thing.......totally laughing out loud.

Lauren M said...

seriously one of the best posts in the history of blogging. im a fan and inspired.