Friday, October 17, 2008

a miracle

So, I am still overwhelmed with this whole "have a baby" thing. Yesterday was the most wonderful, amazing day for Keith & Becca as they welcomed Kate Elizabeth into the world, and it was such a joy to be a teeny tiny part of watching it all happen (well, not all). David and I stopped by the hospital around 7am yesterday morning before anything had really happened. I am so thankful we were able to see and spend time with Keith, Becca, Diana and Liz (yep, all photographers... what a family!). I braided Becca's hair and David helped book a flight for Keith's mom in Chicago and we headed off to work (unfortunately!).

We received frequent text messages from Keith giving updates as they started pushing and finally when Baby Kate arrived at 11:47am. Smack in the middle of the day on her DUE DATE! I think it's pretty cool that she started off life so prompt :). I had some obligations at work that kept me busy until after 2, but as soon as my boss (who is awesome) said the word- I was out of there! I raced back to Erlanger, 5th floor, room 5040 to meet Kate. I have hardly stopped crying since then. We watched her through the nursery window, and I was just overwhelmed! She is beautiful, perfect and such an image of God's grace. They brought her down to the room and Maddie, McKenna and I just watched as Keith and Kate memorized each other. Seriously, I cried the whole time. Keith is already such a wonderful daddy- he is enamored with his girl- and Becca is a natural at being tender and loving. Becca was totally and completely herself- the exhaustion hadn't set in just yet. I was (and I know will continue to be) so blessed to watch this family (extended family included... they have such an amazing support system) go through this process.

So, after visiting for a while, I ran home, made a much-needed Wal-Mart run, got David and we watched Patrick run in his final cross-country meet of the season at Baylor. David is an all-star and has been to everyone of Patty's home meets! He is so good at loving those kids. We had a great Amigo's dinner with the Bryants and of course- headed back to the hospital! David got to meet Kate, but he refrained from holding her so I could have more time :). Again, it was great to just spend time with Becca and Keith- who we hardly have gone a day without hanging out with since we moved to town- and now Kate. We know things will be different now that Kate is here, but they will only just be getting better! I know I keep saying it, but I am completely overwhelmed by the miracle of birth and life and families and health and love and friendships and all of these wonderful gifts that God has blessed us with.

Now, if you want to cry a little bit (which I am getting used to doing pretty regularly these days), check out the slide show that Diana (Becca's super sister who spent the entire process with them at the hospital) has already put together:

1 comment:

Blair McLeod said...

slideshow is awesome... thanks for the tears at work....

glad you got to be a part! please send becca my love!