Tuesday, December 13, 2011

week 31

After spending last week with the Johnson babies, I am even more excited for my own to arrive! I sure hope Crawford was paying attention to how well-behaved his cousins were because it would be super nice if he was the same way. It's a little wild to think that Beth had those babies at the exact point in her pregnancy that I am right now. Crawford weighs approximately what Paige and Bryce did when they were born (3 lbs. 3-13oz.). But hopefully he'll wait until February-ish to make his entrance into the world. It was nuts holding Paige and thinking that I might birth a baby her size (she is 8 lbs. 13 oz... hopefully he isn't that big, but my brother was 8 lbs. 13 oz. so you never know).

At the doctor this week, Crawford measured right on schedule. The visit was pretty uneventful, which is amazingly reassuring! I am so thankful for a pretty boring pregnancy.

I'm feeling really great, overall. I'm going to bed crazy early and loving every second of sleep I get. I've gained one pound in the past two weeks, so I'm getting used to the way my body is right now (just as it's about to change, I'm sure). I'm drinking lots of water and consequently, peeing a ton.

I won't go back to the doctor until after the new year because we'll be traveling for Christmas to see both of our families, but I'm ok with that. David and I are counting down the days until we begin our holiday traveling, and we are so looking forward to this last Christmas as a family of two. Next year will be SO different!

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