Wednesday, December 21, 2011

a closet cleanup

I have been feeling an overwhelming urge to nest lately, so I decided to do some good with it. I called Lynn, asked if I could come over and organize their game closet.

A Suburban full of giveaway stuff, five garbage bags and about three hours later, we (me, Hayden, Lynn and a bit of help from the boys) had accomplished this:

Before and after (obviously)

It felt SO good!

Now, on to the next closet I can find...

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Okay, so you're welcome to come organize ALL of my closets. I have the nesting urge so bad but lack the energy and time to do anything about it.

OH, I hope I'll be ready when the baby comes! I have a crib mattress in the back of my van and one pack of newborn diapers. Is that enough?