Monday, December 5, 2011

lovely weekend

We really did have a lovely weekend. For the first time in a countless number of weeks, we had very few things on the agenda, and it was good for our hearts. A few highlights:
  • Friday night we rented a Red Box movie, ordered a pizza and vegged out. I feel asleep about 1/4th of the way into the movie, and got an awesome night's sleep!
  • Saturday we ran a bunch of errands together, pretty much finished all of our Christmas shopping, and crossed a bunch of "to do" items off our list. Definitely my favorite way to start a Saturday.
  • That afternoon we went to Ellie Ehinger's first birthday party! I cannot believe she is (almost) one. It was adorable to see her running around with her friends, smashing into her cake and opening the occasional present. We went to church afterwards, and I crashed when we got home (which is becoming our new normal).
  • Saturday night church makes Sundays even more awesome. After sleeping in (until 8am! that is late for us!), David painted the porch, I worked on (and finished) a bunch of sewing projects, and we met the Lapinski's for lunch at Ichiban. For the first time ever, I ate my entire meal! Who does that at Ichiban?! I was starvin like Marvin. I reminisced about how the last time we ate there, as soon as I was finished, I ran to the bathroom and threw up my whole meal. I'm so thankful that season has passed.
  • Instead of taking a killer nap like I was planning to do, Leigh convinced me to go walk with her. David dopped me off, and us two pregnant ladies walked from the Linhoss house to our house (3.25 miles). It was so great to spend time with Leigh, be outside on a beautiful day, and feel like I was doing good things for my body. My tailbone hated me for the rest of the night (I'm so over that), but it was well worth it.
  • Then (I know! More good stuff!), our small group girls went to see Breaking Dawn together. The movie was just fine, but the company was even better. We made fun of it pretty much the entire time, oh, and I ate a ton of candy.
Well... that turned into a play-by-play instead of just a list of highlights, but I guess that's what happens when everything you do in a weekend was good. I am so thankful for weekends that roll on by without any fuss. Low-key, productive and David/friend-filled is my kind of quality time, and it seems that the holiday season brings this kind of time around most regularly. Thank you, Lord!

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