Friday, September 2, 2011

week 16

Even though I forgot to cross out 15 on my shirt, this is really my 16-week-old baby belly! It looks huge uncovered! He's really doing some growing in there.

I'm actually feeling really good (right now)! The weekend apparently really took a toll on me, and it's pretty much taken all week to recover. I literally went to bed by 8pm every night this week, and I felt like I could have slept until noon the next day. It was awesome and ridiculous. Our 3-day-weekend plans have changed because of good ol' Irene, so we're staying home and getting stuff done! We (totally a team effort) did manage to get the house vacuumed, the kitchen mopped and the laundry and ironing done this week, but not much else. I'm anxious to start on some baby related projects, but I can't really justify that when there's a lot of other stuff that needs doing. 

PS- Did you see my facebook status? True story. I definitely just ironed a pair of pants with furniture polish instead of starch. Oops. At least they smell lemony fresh! And no, I'm not going to wash them and start over... it worked just fine :)


Kristin said...

He's definitely growing! I love all of these post updates!!

Anna said...

Lookin' super cute!!!!

SarahKL said...

YAY!!! How fun!! :)