Friday, September 16, 2011

weekend projects

When our Labor Day weekend plans changed at the last minute, David and I ended up at home with a lot of time on our hands. It was WONDERFUL to just sit around and rest for several days. Our weeks end up so busy and our weekends usually have plans booked far in advance, so this was a true rarity. We watched tons of Law & Order SVU (DVR-ed) and 30 Rock (on Netflix). The rain started on Sunday night, and it pretty much kept us home bound all day on Monday. By that time I was starting to get a little stir crazy, so I busted out the craft projects.

2 new pillows:

an updated lamp shade:

and a baby monogram (that's finished now... oops):

I stayed pretty occupied and had so much fun finally doing stuff around my house. It had been way too long!

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