Tuesday, August 23, 2011

weeks 14 & 15

Week 14

Week 15

Finally, some growth! As of this morning, I have gained 4 pounds, and I've never been so happy to gain weight! My pants are getting a little tight, but the maternity pants I have (thanks, Beth!) are still too big. I think I'll be busting out the tummy sleeve before too long.

Fortunately, my nausea has subsided. Unfortunately, I'm still throwing up pretty regularly. It's totally random and intermittent, but I can feel it coming and usually get to an ok place to take care of business. Hey, it's an improvement.

The newest turn of events is my new bff, the chiropractor. Well, he's not really my bff yet, but I'm banking on it in the future. When I saw Dr. B last week and told him about my tailbone pain (that had already been going on for a month at that point), he was kind of surprised. He said the fact that it had already begun this early in my pregnancy was probably a sign that something else wasn't quite right. He referred me to a chiropractor who specializes in pregnancy, and I'm glad he did. Turns out, my pelvis is totally twisted thereby causing my pain. I'm seeing him 3x a week for a few weeks, and hopefully we'll get it straightened out by then. In the mean time, my tailbone pain has pretty much gotten worse because of all the stretching and adjusting. He assures me that I'll feel some relief after 6-8 visits. I'm holding him to that. For now, I'm spending every evening doing ridiculous stretches and icing my back and tailbone, which is turning into a time consuming regiment. Considering that I'm going to bed by about 9 every night, I'm not very useful these days.

A fun note for this week... today is David's birthday! He's the big 2-6. He's pretty hard to celebrate for special occasions (he prefers that no money be spent), but I tried really hard to utilize his love language. When his alarm went off this morning (which I usually don't even hear), I got up and told him to keep sleeping. I walked the dog, emptied the dishwasher and took out the trash (seriously, a labor of love for this pregnant lady). Nothing much, but I usually sleep through all of these morning activities, so I hope it was nice for the tables to be turned for once. David is the most selfless husband, and I could not be more thankful that he was born 26 years ago today!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

ugh for tailbone pain. i really feel like we're having identical pregnancies, emily! i started hitting up the chiro again last week (i always go when i'm pregnant) because my the right side of hip/tailbone is killing me. turns out it's pointed back and to the right. go figure. i'm so uncomfortable after my third adjustment and i'm praying it will get better soon. each time i feel pain, i'll say a little prayer for you, too :)

happy birthday david! and hooray for weight gain!!