Monday, August 29, 2011

First things first...

Meet our new niece and nephew!

Bryce Neil (3 lbs. 13 oz.) and Paige Elizabeth (3 lbs. 2 oz.) were born at 6:39 and 6:40pm, respectively, on Wednesday, August 24. We still cannot believe they are here and doing so well. David and I left early Thursday morning to drive to Ohio to be with his family. We were able to spend most of the day Thursday with Beth and Jayme, meet our new family members, then hang out at his grandparents' house for the night. We stopped by the hospital again on our way home Friday, and everyone was doing so well after a good night of sleep. Beth is home now, and they are beginning the adjustment of having babies in the hospital. Keep praying for the Johnsons!

PS- I took a zillion pictures, and I'll share them as soon as I have permission from Beth. These two were from Jayme's cell phone, and they are the best shots of their sweet faces!

Secondly, whew. What a week we've had! Between two birthdays (well, four technically!), a trip to Ohio, a wedding at the lake and a visit from Ash & Chase, we're worn out. Lots to blog about! Plus, Mr. Crawford is a whopping 16 weeks grown today, and he's doing splendidly and still making me puke a bunch. A full update to come...

1 comment:

with love, Emily said...

They look great for 32 weekers! Congrats to your whole family! And hopefully Crawford will let you stop puking soon!