Sunday, August 14, 2011

the Lambuth weekend

Whew! What a crazy, fun-filled, emotional and exhausting weekend. My dear Jamie married her long-time beau John, and we all celebrated with days of activities. Thursday was the bachelorette party (a cooking class!) followed by lingerie shower. Friday was the bridesmaids luncheon, rehearsal and rehearsal dinner and Saturday was the big day. It was such a fun time to catch up with so many college friends, many of whom I haven't seen for years. Six of the seven Currie Way girls were together, making that the best we've done since 2007.

Jamie was radiant. Seriously, that was the only word we could think of to describe her all day! She was so graceful and calm- just as you would hope to be on your wedding day.

cuuuute Georgia (sister of the flower girls); prayer time for the bride

the Hamiltons; me and Kris

GranMols and Grandy

me with Mrs. Lambuth!

dear Melissa! Due with baby Richie #3 exactly one week after me! Love this friend soo much. Wish we lived in the same town!

Jen, Kris, Jme, Kara, Brit and me - 6/7th of Currie Way

love these friends.

One of the (non-wedding related) highlights was spending time with my fam! I stayed with Ashley all weekend, and we got to visit a few times but not for long. She works 7pm-7am (which means she sleeps during the day), so we kind of passed like ships in the night. However, she unexpectedly got off work at 11 on Saturday night, so we were all able to hang out together Sunday morning. It was a short amount of time, but we did a craft project (name cards for a wedding), opened birthday gifts (hence the gardening hat above) and ate a big breakfast at IHOP (my second breakfast of the day). It was so nice to be together, and we missed Greg terribly!

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