Wednesday, July 20, 2011

the Greginators

David has been playing soccer with a group of (mostly) VW guys again this summer, and it has been so fun. He is LOVING playing again, and I must say, he's pretty dang good. He has scored 6 of the 10 goals for the team this season!

And while he loves being on the field and with these guys, I love, love, love hanging out with the wives on the sideline! These ladies are some of my dearest friends, and it is SO fun that we're all having babies together.

Our last soccer game picture together was before any babies were here!

Saskia- baby girl due in September
Me- baby (??) due in February (holding Max Linhoss. His mom Leigh was sick, so I was on Max duty!)
Jodi- Ella, 7 weeks old
Andrea- baby girl en route from Ethiopia so soon!
Wendi- baby Ellie, 6 months old

We have one other friend, Anna, in our book club who is expecting baby Emory in September, making our book club baby count up to 6 in almost one year! If our baby is a boy, he'll have tons of girlfriends to choose from. If it is a girl, she'll have an immediate group of best friends! I can't wait!

PS- after 1 day on the MLS, someone is showing our house tonight! Pray!

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