Wednesday, July 13, 2011

4th of July in Sanibel

Sorry for the silence on the ol' blog... We have been up to some fun things!

For the 4th of July weekend, we made our way down to Sanibel to hang out with the Geyer and Johnson families, and we had a great time! It is probably the last time for a while that we'll all be in Sanibel together since Beth's babies are due in October (yay!!). 

Unfortunately, the weather messed up our plans a few times, but we were all flexible and had a good time regardless. We went to the beach, did some shopping (we love the outlets!), struck out about five times on restaurants being closed, swam at Cathy's friend's pool, sweat(ed?) a bunch and hung out at the house.

On Sunday we took a boat cruise to Cabbage Key and saw dolphins along the way! It was SO fun, and reminiscent of our whale tour in Hawaii.

and a cute random video of Brianna signing...

We had a great time! There are a bunch more pictures HERE.

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