Monday, September 2, 2013

the boys' bedroom

Oh, this room.

Sarah reminded me that I never really showed pictures of the "completed" version of Crawford's nursery. That's because I never really felt like it was finished. I didn't love the paint color (especially in pictures! EW!). This post and this post and this post show a bit of the room, and you can get the gist from these pics:

The decision to stay in this house for the foreseeable future meant we needed to seriously consider where to put baby #2. We sort of have to have a guest room because most of our family lives out of town, and we regularly have friend guests too. So I guess the decision was easy to put both kiddos in one room. Crawford's bedroom is probably the largest in the house anyway, so it wasn't going to be difficult to make space. We sold the bed, dresser, nightstand and bench which freed up a ton of space for a larger dresser and a second crib (both from Children's Fair, this line). Other than the paint (thanks to my dad!) and the additional furniture, not too much is different.

  • name decals (from this etsy store)
  • mirror above the bookshelf (which was downstairs previously)
  • rain gutter bookshelves (a Pinterest fav). We really needed more storage for diapers, so the new shelves freed up lots of space on the bookshelf for another bin (and I added labels so we can keep them organized).
  • I switched the pelmet boards so the monogrammed one (with Crawford's mono...) wouldn't be quite so front and center.
  • One of my favorite new additions to the room is the trunk between the beds. It was my dad's foot locker from the Marine Corps, and it is a perfect place to store extra linens.
  • We also maxed out the storage and organization in the closet, thanks to lots of Ikea tools.
  • Matching bedding is still on the wish list, but I didn't want to wait to post pictures until we decide to spring for two of these bumpers and crib skirts.

Obviously we still need a mattress for Lawson, but since he will start out sleeping in our room we're not too stressed about getting one soon. It still is a little freaky to see two cribs in there and know we'll have TWO kids to put in there before we know it, but I'm getting really excited about these boys sharing a room - hopefully for a long time! 

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