Sunday, September 15, 2013

19 months

Crawford, at 19 months you...

  • are learning your letters and some numbers! You can identify A, B, C, D, F, L, O, Y, 2 and 5 - and you do alllll the time! If you see any of those letters on a tshirt or sign you point them out. Daddy works with you using the foam letters in the bathtub and I've printed out worksheets that we color on and talk about during the day.
  • try so hard to dribble a ball. It's adorable. You definitely have an athletic bent, which obviously came from your daddy :). You still dunk and shoot the basketball with crazy precision. You've even started attempting trick shots. You get on your knees or lay on your back and try to make baskets. True story. 
  • basketball is your favorite thing ever. As soon as Daddy gets home you run to his car and drag him to get basketballs and make him start shooting them. He gets a good hour in every night of shooting baskets for you to watch.
  • can be so, so testy. You want to do things your way and you really don't like me messing with you. You are happiest doing your own thing by yourself. This obviously makes outings that require compliance (ie- toddler time at the library) not so much fun.
  • are very physical towards me. You bite me (ONLY me...) and hit me and kick me. Sometimes out of anger or frustration, but sometimes it seems like you just can't communicate your excitement or something... it's weird.
  • are getting spankings. We went through the Dr. Dobson Dare to Discipline study last year, and we are practicing what he teaches about spanking. So, you're getting spanked for things you know to be wrong. You do have a defiant little will about you so it's not an irregular occurrence. I made these spank sticks and we keep them everywhere (upstairs, downstairs, garage, car, diaper bag). You know what they are and what they are for, which is half of the purpose in my mind. You bit me the other day and then as soon as I picked you up you said "'panking?". Even though you're obviously still defiant, I can tell the discipline is working. We are praying these verses as we discipline you too. It is so hard and SO not fun, but we pray that we can instill a healthy respect for authority in you at an early age. 

  • say most of your friends names (Max is your favorite, Anya is second).
  • stay occupied playing with cars for a while. You play with them in the window sill, on the bumper of the car, on the retaining wall outside, etc.
  • say "amen!" at the end of prayers. And, if we forget to pray (especially at breakfast and lunch...) you remind me by saying "amen!". You also say amen at random funny times, like when the lady at library story time finished reading her book. 
  • love airplanes, your mower ("mow mow"), football and golf. 
  • say your name "Cawfod"
  • try to do a forward roll which often leaves you in the downward dog position which is funny.=
  • have some adorable funny words you say "guc"= yogurt, "nas"= snack and funny things daddy has taught you to say: "nice", "aw nuts" and "oh no".
  • are obsessed with John Bryant.

It's completely crazy to think that this is likely your last monthly update before you become a big brother. I cannot wrap my mind around the changes we're going to experience in this next month, but I'm excited to watch you develop and grow as we add a new member to our family. Love you, buddy. You're my favorite one!

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